Expectations Of A Kitchen Renovation Project: Part 1

So you want to renovate your kitchen but want to know what to expect and plan for ahead of time. This is a great idea! There are many benefits to having a thoroughly thought-out plan before diving into the project. No matter how seasoned you may be at the renovation game, planning for as many situations and steps as possible will make the whole project less stressful and run more smoothly.

We had to go through this process when we were planning and designing our house. My parents as well. Word of caution though; don’t get hung up on trying to plan for every little thing. There are just some things you can’t plan for-like us, we did not plan on there being a pandemic and prices for materials sky-rocketing. In my parents’ case, they have been stuck in a revolving door of planning. They’re trying to get everything just right, and continue to play the “what if” game. At this rate, their renovations will never get done or will be rushed into the ones they really don’t want.

Let me walk you through some of the basic expectations that you can have with your kitchen renovation timeline, so you don’t get stuck playing the “what if”. 

In this post of Expectations Of A Kitchen Renovation Project: Part 1, we will cover the question; How long will the project take?

Let’s get started!

Ordering Items

With most kitchen renovations there is the inevitable replacement of a major item or several. Items like cabinets and appliances usually have to be ordered. Depending on the brand, style, and special features will affect how long it will take for those items to be delivered to you. Naturally, the more things you customize the longer you can expect to wait for it to be done and delivered. 

For cabinets, you can expect anywhere between 4-8 months before they are delivered. Again depending on what you go with for a product and design, will affect when they will be delivered. If you want a more specific timeline, consult the company you will be ordering from for their estimated wait time for orders to arrive.

Professional Help VS DIY

It is beneficial to weigh both of these options as you want to stretch your dollar as far as possible. 

Professional help has a lot of benefits. 

  • You won’t spend time trying to learn the right procedure for projects

  • They can usually complete the project in a quicker time frame

  • Might be able to get materials cheaper through their connections

  • Know what to expect with every step, which can help save money on materials as well.

Before you go out and hire a professional be aware of some of the drawbacks.

  • What you save on materials you pay in labor and some professionals have a high payout rate

  • Be cautious of super cheap professionals. There is a reason they are vastly cheaper than everyone else. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

  • You work around them-in most cases. 

  • You operate around their schedule and they tell you how long it will take to complete the project.

  • Dishonesty, very few-not all, professionals may not be entirely truthful when it comes to their work.

The biggest reason why we chose not to use a professional for every aspect of our house was because of the cost. With the way we were paying for things, there were just some areas of our house that really didn’t need a professional to do.

Benefits of DIY:

  • Your timeline

  • Learning practical skills

  • More satisfaction when the project is complete

  • Save loads of money on labor

  • Can change your mind mid-project

  • Can add personal touches

Drawbacks of DIY:

  • Can take a long time to complete

  • Potential for project to never be completed because life gets in the way

  • Time to learn the necessary skills and operations.

  • Materials CAN cost more

  • End results may lack that professional clean look you may want.

    All in all, it comes down to comfort level, and the amount of time and money you can and are willing to invest.

Your Schedule/Availability

Like I mentioned above scheduling plays a big factor in any renovation project. So, what can you expect?

You can expect a change in routine and your daily schedule; more so if you have chosen to do it yourself. The more time you have to devote to working on your renovation, the faster it is likely to be completed. Keep in mind that a professional will be doing this as their actual job and therefore will be spending more time during the week working on your kitchen, whereas you probably only have weekends to work on the project. With this in mind, it is most likely going to take you longer to complete the renovations than a professional.

Another thing to keep in mind when doing the renovations yourself is the availability of materials. There were a few items that we had to wait on materials because the company we were using was out of stock When we looked elsewhere, the prices were either ridiculously high, they were out of stock as well, or they didn’t carry the specific product that we needed.

Attention to Details

The last thing that will have an effect on the timeline of your project is how closely you pay attention to details.

The higher your expectations are, the more time you may spend on your project, especially if you are doing it yourself. I mean let’s face it, we all want our renovations to come out amazing and look like they were professionally done-looking like HGTV threw -up everywhere, and there is nothing wrong with that. Keep in mind though, that you could spend 3 weeks trying to find the cabinet handles that compliment your light fixtures or you could be done your kitchen, with handles that match when the light shines just right. 

That being said, there certainly are some things that you should definitely keep a close detailed eye on. Things like cabinet alignment, light fixtures, back-splash, and countertops should all be as close to perfect as you can get them as they deal with the functionality of the space.

In a more simplified explanation:

Your renovation timeline is all up to you and your motivation to see it completed in a timely manner. The more time you devote to working on it the quicker it will get done.

Having a set schedule or rough timeline will help to make the project run more smoothly and will feel less of a guessing game. Keeping in mind what I said above; life does happen, so be prepared for your timeline to fluctuate. 


Related Post:

If you are dying to get started on your dream kitchen then consider getting my Kitchen Renovation Workbook. It will have everything you need to make your remodeling that much easier. It is super simple to follow and hardly time-consuming. Once completed, you’ll be able to use it as your guide and support throughout your entire project!

Subscribe below and get your FREE Kitchen Renovation Workbook!

I can’t wait to see how you use your workbook and the results of your kitchen remodel!

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      Expectations Of A Kitchen Renovation Project: Part 2


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