Jewelry Tray

jewelry tray

Looking for something cute to collect all of your loose jewelry on? You’ve come to the right place!

I mean, sure you could go out and buy a ceramic dish but…

*making one means you get to personalize it. No one will have one like yours

*it can be cheaper to make your own

*the way I’m going to show you, your tray won’t shatter if you drop it on a hard surface.

Besides, it’s pretty easy-and fun, to make your own!

Come. I’ll show you.


*Wood frame with a solid back (can use picture frame)

*Mod Podge

*Scrapbook paper ( in a design of your choosing)



*Basic crafting materials (scissors, pencil, ruler)


*Paint (to use on your wood frame if it’s unfinished

*Hot glue or super glue (See steps for explanation)

Step 1

Seal any gaps.

Take a look at your frame with the back on, can you see any cracks or gaps that something liquid could seep through?

Resin is like liquid glue before it hardens, so if there are any cracks it will leak through.

Test your frame by pouring a small amount of water or glue. Wherever it comes out, that’s where you should use hot glue or super glue to seal.

Step 2

Paint your frame.

If you have an unfinished wood frame like I did, now is the time to paint it.

Step 3

Cut scrapbook paper to the picture size that would fit into it.

Once measured and cut, use Mod Podge to glue it to the inside of the frame.

Step 4

Resin time.

Once everything is dry, it’s time for resin.

Mix your resin according to the package and pour it into your frame.

Don’t feel like you have to use all of your resin. We are just looking to create a hard, flat surface.

**Resin cannot be removed once it’s hardened. Be sure to use materials that you can throw away because there is no washing them. Resin does not belong in your drains, only on your tray.

As long as you follow the package instructions, you should be good to go!



More Ideas and Inspiration

Let’s Become Friends!

I’m obsessed with everything home related. I’m a hot chocolate drinker, an avid book reader, love getting my hands dirty, women of the North.

I am passionate about creating spaces that invoke all positive emotions and tell the homeowner's story through design and decor. I love to incorporate the old and the new through thrifty finds and repurposing of what was already there.

Grab your favorite drink, and I’ll grab the snacks, FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW, and let’s get to know each other!


*I love to spoil my friends, so when you submit the form, I’ll give you my Ultimate Organization Checklist Bundle! You’ll get the following:

  • 2 checklists for organizing your files

  • A seasonal storage checklist (free up space by storing items you don’t need for the season you’re in)

  • A motivational checklist for each room in the house to use when you don’t have the time or energy to clean.

So, what are you waiting for? I’m dying to meet you!


    Boho Wall Decor: Half Circle