Organization Hacks to Declutter Your Home

Clutter is one of the most frustrating and stress-inducing things that we make ourselves deal with on a daily basis. How are we supposed to get organized when it takes time, motivating ourselves, figuring out how to organize everything we have and keep it organized?

How much energy have you spent thinking and dealing with all of the clutter you have? I know that my Mother-In-Law spent twenty-plus years avoiding and just working around it because it felt like the better choice. That was until we organized her kitchen. This is what I want to share with you today. How I was able to help my Mother-In-Law organize her kitchen into the kitchen of her dreams and keep it that way!

In this post, I’m sharing with you my fight against clutter and some simple steps that my Mother-In-Law used to get rid of her kitchen clutter and kept it organized! You’ll learn:

*How we defeated her kitchen clutter

*How she became motivated to organize

*What she did with the things she no longer needed

*How she’s been able to keep it organized

If you are fed up with just working around all of the stuff you have, then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s get started on your clutter-free life!

How We Defeated the Kitchen Clutter

My Mother-In-Law loves to feed a small army on a weekly basis. In the time that I have been with my husband, I have had the joy of watching her work her magic in the small kitchen she has. Over the years, though, I have also watched her frustration at trying to find items she needs; sorting through all of the cabinets, drawers, spices, food, and the fridge just to find everything.

One day, after some teasing from some relatives, I heard how much my Mother-In-Law yearned for a better functioning kitchen, thinking that she would probably need a whole new kitchen for things to get better. Not wanting her to feel that was her only option, I offered to help her organize the space, getting it to function like the kitchen she has always wanted.

Now, every space in that kitchen was maxed out and as we opened every cupboard I could see her getting overwhelmed; to be honest so was I. What did we sign up for? I told her, that at this point it can’t get any worse if we try to organize it and she agreed. She was ready to get her kitchen in order!

In the end, my statement held true. My Mother-In-Law’s face beamed with joy at the sight of her kitchen! The first time she went to go use it after we had organized it, she became giddy and excited to go use the space! After some time, she still finds it enjoyable and relaxing to work in her kitchen.

Here’s what we did to get her kitchen organized and to stay that way.

Getting Motivated to Organize

It is no easy feat trying to tackle all of the mess that you have accumulated. Just thinking about opening that closet, the one you quickly shove things into when you have guests, or tackling your kitchen, probably stresses you out. So how do you get motivated to dive into the mess?

Baby steps. Set a goal. You already know that trying to attack all of the mess at once just isn’t going to happen. So break the mess up into smaller goals, ones you know you can, realistically, do. Breaking the mess up into more, easily manageable goals will motivate you to organize because once you’ve completed one small goal you’ll be excited to complete another.

I go even more in-depth on how to become motivated to organize in my blog post How to Become Motivated to Organize in 3 Easy Steps

What To Do With The Stuff You No Longer Need

What if figuring out what to do with all of your stuff is what’s stressing you out. You probably already have a pile of things you no longer need that is taking up space somewhere because you don’t know what you want to do with it.

The good news is that there are a few options for you to pick from. One option is to donate it. That’s what we decided was best. Another idea is to sell it.

In my blog post, 4 Ways to Take Care of The Stuff You No Longer Want, I explain more about what your options are for all of the stuff that you no longer need.

After seeing the possibilities that organizing can bring her, my Mother-In-Law became more eager to tackle other areas of her home; spaces that had annoying clutter she has been dealing with for twenty-plus years! She has found peace and enjoyment out of her organized kitchen; she finally has a kitchen that can hold up to her weekly small army that she feeds.

This is what I want for you! If you are ready to truly get rid of your clutter, once and for all, to feel a sense of relief when you walk into your home, to no longer stress about where you put something, I urge you to take that step. You have spent so much time, money, and energy living around your clutter. Enough is enough! It’s time to take control of your clutter so you can have the relaxing space you deserve.  

I want you to get started on your goal ASAP, so when you sign up for my newsletter I will give you a motivating checklist for each room of your home for FREE! Sign up now and download your checklist!

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Start your organization goals today!

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