Pink Aesthetic Room

aesthetic pink and white room





Excuse me while I put my tongue back the right way.

Aside from this word just rolling off the tongue, what does it actually mean?

The definition of AESTHETIC means: relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty.

When it comes to interior design and our living spaces, this becomes a feeling we try to create.

We want our spaces to look good, Right?

So, in today’s topic of a pink aesthetic room, we will cover how to make this color work in our space to create something that we find beautiful or pleasing to the eye.

How To Make Your Pink Room Aesthetically Pleasing

There is, of course, the extreme way of designing a pink aesthetic room-EVERYTHING is pink and I mean everything! There is also a softer way to design a pink room.

Hopefully, you will be able to find a happy medium-or not and go for the extreme!

To make our pink room aesthetic, this will mean having enough of the color present to classify it as a “pink room” and having other neutral or complimentary colors to bring focus to our star color.

If you are looking for a minimalistic version then you’ll want to make sure you are doing the following:

*Choose where you want the pink to stand out.

Is it on a wall?

In the decor?

In the fabric?

Figure this out first so you know where to put your focus.

*Choose colors that make the pink stand out.

Once you’ve chosen your focal point, and the right shade of pink you want to use, choose colors that will truly make the pink stand out.

Pick colors in grays and whites or dark blue. You could also choose a green color to make the pink stand out and not fight for attention.

*Incorporate these complimentary colors throughout the entire room except for where you want your pink to shine.

You want these colors to surround the pink without smothering out its light.

Again, they should make the pink more noticeable and the obvious color of the room.

The EXTREME Pink Aesthetic Room

If you want everything in the room to be pink, then here are some tips to consider.

*You will want different shades of pink.

A full pink room works best if you choose 2 or 3 shades throughout the room. 

*Choose a flow

With those 2 or 3 shades of pink, you will want there to be an apparent flow through the colors. Think of a fading of the colors or an ombre look. 

This will be most pleasing to the eye.

You can either start with the darkest color close to the floor or close to the ceiling.

Then comes the next shade through the middle.

And the lightest shade at the end; either close to the ceiling or close to the floor.

*Don’t be hesitant to throw in some neutral colors.

Having some things white, black, brown, or gray will help break up the space and give the eye something to rest and take a break on.

Find The Happy Medium

A happy medium usually involves that pink is not stealing the show entirely.

Think of having a little more of the color pink than what a minimalist would have.

This would mean having at least 2 sections classified as pink. 

For example:

*Fabric and wall decor

*Wall decor and room decor

*Accent wall and fabric

You get the idea!

You would also have a neutral color and a complementary color.

Getting Started

The best way to get started is to go perusing the paint sample section wherever you buy your paint.

Take as many paint chips as necessary to find the right combination that works not only alone but also with your room.

*Remember: colors look different in the store lighting than they do in your home lighting

You can also get a small sample can of the colors to paint on your wall to get an even better idea of what your color combos will look like in that room.


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