Foolproof Design Tips For Creating A Cozy Home

Cozy Living Room

Believe it or not, it is possible for a space to be too big or to feel that there is too much openness.

It’s possible that the open concept you thought you wanted feels too exposing and now you’re wishing you closed off some of the space.

Maybe at one point having a lot of open space was conducive to the needs of your family but now it feels like unnecessary space.

If you’re looking for a way to make the open spaces in your home feel close and cozy, try the hacks below!

Change The Paint

Light, soft colors make spaces feel bigger so if you go with darker tones the opposite effect will happen. This is true for both walls and furniture.

Use a change in paint color to section off areas. You are not limited to painting the entire wall. You could paint the corner of a room to create a reading nook or have a clear dividing line that separates the main function of one space from the main function of another- i.e. Kitchen and dining room, Living room and Kitchen, etc.


Just like using paint to create sections in a room, the same could be said for lighting. There is an abundance of different lighting options out there. Use the different types to create separate sections. Focus the light on one area and it will create the illusion that the section is not included in the rest of the space.

Change the bulb. For work areas you want bright and well light; not all areas of your home are workspaces tho. In the areas where you want to create a more cozy feel, replace the bright white light with a soft yellow light.

Furniture and Decor

Bring in the layers and heavy textures! The more fabric you incorporate the cozier the space will feel. Layer up the couch with pillows and blankets. Have multiple curtains. Have thick curtains. Have furniture with detail and rough features. Put up that awesome wallpaper. All of it will give off a cozy and warm vibe.

As with anything, start small; incorporate a little at a time until you reach the desired atmosphere. You might find that all you needed was a darker paint color or thicker curtains.


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