Our Home: Building A House VS Buying A House

Have you and your partner discussed whether you should buy a house or build one? Are you stuck on which one is the smarter choice for you and your family? Are the people who’ve been giving you advice ones that have been in their current home forever and have no intentions of building or buying in the foreseeable future?

If any of this sounds like your situation, you are not alone.

My husband and I fell into this same dilemma. Both options would essentially achieve our goal of having a place of our own to call home, but we couldn’t decide on which option we wanted.

In this post, I will walk you through our decision on whether or not to build a house or buy a house in hopes that it will help you get into your own home!

Building VS Buying

We were super eager to have a place of our own; a place where we could be together and start making our own memories in our own home. “Should we build or should we buy” become the mantra of our lives. Of course, we had just about everybody giving us their words of wisdom on the matter, but none of it was truly helpful. In the end, we would have to make the decision and would be living in the choice we made not them. 

I’m sharing with you the list of factors we actually used to make our decision-something I wish we were given when we were contemplating our options.

Things To Consider Before Buying or Building A Home

  • Location-yes, this is a bit of an obvious one to start but it’s also one of the most important ones. Where do you want to be located? Do you need to be close to anything? Are there things you want to be close to?

  • Time-how much time are you willing to spend.? Do you have the time to take on a building project? Do you have the time to search for your ideal place?

  • Money-which one will be the biggest bang for your buck? Which is more cost-effective for what you want in your home?

  • Type of Home-What kind of home are you looking for? Starter/first home? Forever home? Fixer Upper? 

How We Came To Our Decision

We went back and forth between wanting a starter home and wanting a forever home. It was going to be about the same amount of money either way. At the time, we had some flexibility on when we would want to be in our home. This eventually came back to bite us but I’m still happy with our choice. In the end, it was the location that became our deciding factor. We came across land that checked most of our boxes and we really didn’t want to see it go to someone else.

*Something else that was super helpful for us was to be realistic. Realistic about what we wanted and what we needed. 

I hope this has helped you in bringing you one step closer to a decision.


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