2 Types of Clutter That Are Negatively Impacting Your Life

Most people, on a daily basis, are dealing with some type of clutter. This greatly impacts our quality of life and we don’t even realize it. I certainly didn’t.

When I thought of having a clutter problem I always thought of those TV shows where people have stuff piled high, floor to ceiling, wall to wall and can barely move through their homes. I certainly wasn’t that bad; I mean I had mess but not full fledge, uncontrollable clutter right? No, I did I just didn’t realize it.

There are 4 different types of clutter that most of us deal with and don’t realize how much control it has over our lives. These four types of clutter are:





In this post I will be covering the first 2 types of clutter that is impacting your life right now. Let’s go!

Physical Clutter

Physical clutter is the stuff that you carefully clean around and try to avoid taking care of because you just don’t know what to do with it. It’s the boxes of stuff taking up space in a closet, under a bed, or in the garage, that you keep meaning to go through.

I had boxes and trash bags full of items I had tossed in there, trying to get them out of the way. I also just had miscellaneous items floating around that I kept “forgetting” to take care of or that I felt needed to remain out because I was going to need it “soon”.

We avoid taking care of these items because the thought of using our time to do it seems like time not well spent. We have so much else going on that taking care of the clutter keeps getting put on the back burner for that rainy day when we will all of a sudden have immense amount of time to devote to the task.

Paper Clutter

Paper clutter is all of those bills, receipts, and important documents that we put in a pile to sort through later when we can take the time, energy, and careful planning to organize it.

We always tell ourselves, “Oh, I know exactly where that is” or “This is important, I know I won’t forget where I put it because it is so important”. Does this sound familiar? How many times is it actually true?

So why not just clean it? Like I said, we feel that organizing all of the papers will need to be this in depth, carefully planned, CIA operation to complete, so we don’t do it or we just shove it all into folders to make it seem organized.

So What Now?

The great news is that it is possible to clean up and get rid of this clutter. You certainly don’t have to keep dealing with it forever, letting it negatively impact the quality of your life, if you don’t want them to.

After I learned how these two types of clutter were impacting my life, I decided it was time to tackle them, once and for all. No way was I going to let my daily belongings have so much control over the quality of my life. Once I did I finally felt free and truly happy.

I could walk into any each space of my house, breathe easy and fully relax. I now have more time and energy to do the things I love and that serve me better.

If you want to get started, find out how to organize and declutter all of these areas, and begin to have a better quality of life, then go to my blog post, How To Organize Your Home.


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