Gothic Decor

gothic decor ideas


A lot of people would be quick to jump to the conclusion that gothic decor is full of skulls, blood, and satanic worship.

That is the stuff of television, my friend.

Gothic decor actually has its origins in the Victorian era. You’ll find a lot of items deemed victorian are also gothic and vis versa.

When I think of this type of decor I think of wealth and craftsmanship.

Pieces from this style will include some of the following characteristics:

*Dark, rich colors such as black, purple, and red

*Detailed, ornate wood in a dark stain or black

*Artwork draws a connection to peeling back the complexity of people including those parts that show hurt and fear.

*Decor pieces will also draw connections to the spirit and the spirit world

*Patterns are centered around flowers, specifically roses, or that of the old victorian era

While it’s true that a lot of people who identify with this type of style might have many pieces that involve skulls/skeletons, black cats, and blackbirds; it is not the only way.

What Is Modern Gothic?

The color black has become an increasingly popular color within interior design.

A color that used to mean negativity and darkness has now been reshaped to mean modern and clean-cut; a color that brings focus and frames what is essential.

Since this shift more and more people are testing out the color in their homes. From black doors, accent walls, and picture frames to a completely black exterior or an entire room painted black.

So, what do you do if you like a lot of the gothic decor elements but are looking for subtly not an entire floor-to-ceiling moody space?

Well, then you would be looking to incorporate gothic and modern together!

To do this, you’ll keep most of the space looking modern and look for a focal area to bring in your gothic decor.

This could be an accent wall using dark paint or gothic wallpaper.

It could be a wall collage of gothic images in ornate black frames and wall decor.

It could also be all of your flat surfaces have arrangements of gothic decor.

Gothic Decor

The purpose behind gothic decor is to let what might be the darker parts of us be expressed instead of being shoved away in a box. 

There is complete beauty in the darker parts and gothic decor is a great way to connect to those parts.

So the next time you see something that falls into the category of gothic, look closer until you find the beauty in it. Then let me know if you still think this style is all about dark, unholy practices.


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