Clever Ways To Hide Your Things

Organization Hacks

You’re in a panic because you’re having people over and everywhere that you look you see stuff scattered about, like you haven’t cleaned. It’s also not just a little bit of stuff; there are piles, actually piles. Your house needs to look organized and clean for your guests, but there is just no way you will be able to do that in time. You need a place to hide the mess and you need it now!

I’ve always hated being in this situation. I feel so rushed and stressed, yelling at the people in the house to get a move on and help me. Praying that I get everything organized and cleaned in time because I’m imagining all kinds of horrid things that my guest might think when they arrive and see my place the way I see it; a mess!

The solution? Hide the mess in plain sight. Yes, you read that correctly. In this post, I will help you figure out how to quickly take care of all that mess and hide it in plain sight without your guest realizing it.

1. Baskets and Bins

Baskets and bins are my favorite go-to when I’m trying to organize the mess. Toss the mess in the basket, slide it into the corner or under a table, and BOOM, decorative mess! These are also just great in general for the overall organization. Blankets, electronics, books, and toys can all have a basket as a permanent home and be placed in the areas they are most frequently used.

2. Bookcases

Bookcases are the optimal place for all things paper. Make a stack of papers, put it in the bookcase, throw a decorative item on top and now the stack looks like it belongs! Bookcases can also store totes and bins of all kinds and still look organized, especially if you’ve gone and just thrown anything into the bin. Sliding it onto the bottom shelf of the bookcase hides the view of the inside and again, looks purposeful. 

3. Ottomans

Ottomans are great for storing blankets, pillows, and toys. Be aware, however, that the lid does need to close. You will need to be a little more particular about how much you stuff into it.

4. Under the bed 

Be careful with this one because under the bed can become a black hole that takes your things, never to be seen again. It would be a good idea, especially for small homes and for kids, to get some under-the-bed storage, to avoid the black hole situation.

Only as a last resort should you throw, shove, or cram things into a closet. 

Doing so really is putting your things into the black hole. This is a last-ditch effort if your guests are knocking on the door and you need to put the things in your arms someplace fast. 

Eventually, you will want to have an organized closet, so when you have to do a quick clean of the mess, the closet is ready and organized to accept the stuff without losing it forever.


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